Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association (LIKTA) is a non-governmental professional organisation, encompassing the ICT industry and ICT professionals, established in 1998. The principal objective of LIKTA is to promote and further the development of Information Society in Latvia. LIKTA works toward increasing e-awareness in society and takes an active part in preparing and implementation of professional ICT and digital skills programs for everyone. LIKTA holds charitable status since 2005 and educational institution status since 2008.
Public institution Information Technologies Institute (ITI)
Public institution Information Technologies Institute (ITI) was established in 1997 and started as an organization which creates temporary professional working groups for projects on Information System design. The full-time staff of ITIincludes administrative, financial and project managers (5-10 persons). ITI has strong experience in IT training/testing courseware design and development.
From year 2000 ITI started with ECDL (European Computer Driving License) Programme implementation in Lithuania. Now ITI is the official ECDL Foundation Sub-licensee for Lithuania. Currently the development and dissemination of computer literacy related training/testing systems have the major importance for the Institute. ITI has developed the Automated ECDL Test System which is authorised by the ECDL Foundation. The In-Application testing based version of the Test System has entered the official authorization process at the ECDLFoundation level also. In 2009 ITI has launched the ECDL Foundation Endorsed Partner Programme eGuardian. Currently ITI is involved in development of Learning/Testing solutions for ECDL, e-Citizen, CAD, security and children safety subjects in Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Azeri and English languages.
From November 2013 ITI (ECDL Lithuania) is involved as a stakeholder in the National Digital Coalition for the Promotion of Digital Skills for Jobs in Lithuania (
ECDL Foundation
ECDL Foundation is the certifying authority of the leading international computer skills certification programme – ECDL / ICDL. The quality and reputation of our certification programmes are built on over a decade of experience in successfully delivering ICT certification programmes to millions of people in various languages around the world. Find out more about ECDLFoundation at
Stiftung Digitale Chancen
The goal of the Stiftung Digitale Chancen (Digital Opportunities Foundation) is to make people interested in the Internet and to support them with their steps into the digital world. We want them to become aware of the opportunities this digital medium offers and to make use of them. Stiftung Digitale Chancen was founded in January 2002 in Berlin by AOL Germany and the University of Bremen. Co-founders are Accenture and the Burda Foundation. The Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth have taken on the patronage.
BCS Koolitus
BCS KOOLITUS is an ICT training and consulting company, which offers services to ICT users including teachers, specialists and managers. Our selection of services is varied: different refresher trainings, education methodology trainings, consultations, certifications and conducting development events in ICT.
We offer a full training process starting from the assessment of training needs till measuring the training results. Our mission is to be a long-term partner to our target group through seminars, consultations and trainings to put the IT-systems into effective use.
BCS Koolitus carries the title of Prometric, ECDL and Pearson VUE worldwide certification centre. BCS Koolitus is also the awarding body of the professional occupational qualifications in the field of IT in Estonia.
Online Collaboration Skills Barometer
This online barometer will help you evaluate your knowledge about online collaboration. You can test your skills and knowledge in three areas: general knowledge about online collaboration tools, webinars, and mobile collaboration tools.
Test your skills in five languages!
English: Online Collaboration Skills Barometer Võrgukoostöövahendite kasutamisoskuste barometer Wissens-Barometer: Online-Zuammenarbeit Tiešsaistes sadarbības rīku prasmju barometrs Bendradarbiavimo internete įgūdžių barometras
Projekt Online4EDU tutvustab õpetajatele nende igapäevatöös lisandväärtust loovaid veebipõhiseid koostöövahendeid. Partnerid Lätis, Leedust, Saksamaalt, Iirimaalt ning Eestist töötavad välja klassiõppest ja e-õppest koosneva kursuse, mille eesmärgiks on motiveerida ja anda õpetajatele oskused digitaalsete koostöövahendite kasutamiseks igapäevases õppetöös. Veebipõhiste koostöövahendite kasutamine rikastab õpetamist ja õppimist kõigis ainetundides ning aitab õpetajaid uute ja kaasaegsete õppematerjalide leidmisel, loomisel ja jagamisel. Projekti raames loodav koolitus põhineb rahvusvahelise arvutioskuste sertifitseerimisprogrammi ECDL standardil ning valmistab osalejad ECDL testi „Koostöö internetis“ sooritamiseks ja enda oskuste sertifitseerimiseks.
Projekti tegevuste algus on september 2014 ning projekt kestab 2 aastat. Projekti “Online4EDU” kaasrahastatakse Euroopa Liidu programmi ERASMUS+ raames.
Alg-ja põhikooli õpetajad ning kutsekooli õpetajad, kes soovivad arendada oma IT oskusi.
Projekti eesmärgid saavutatakse läbi mitme etapi. Esmalt töötatakse välja õppekava vastavalt iga riigi vajadustele. Väljatöötatud õppekava pannakse töösse kombineeritud õppe kursuse raames.
- Et välja selgitada iga partnerriigi õpetajate täpsed vajadused ja erisused viiakse läbi teemakohased küsitlused igas riigis. Küsitluse eesmärgiks on koguda infot õpetajate veebipõhiste koostöövahendite teadmiste ja oskuste kohta.
- Õppekava töötatakse välja vastavalt küsitluse tulemustele ning ECDL mooduli „Koostöö Internetis“ standardile.
- Välja töötatud õppekava rakendatakse ja piloteeritakse kombineeritud õppe (blended learning) kursuse raames, mis hõlmab endas kontaktõpet ning e-õpet. Antud kursus valmistab osalejad ette ECDL mooduli „Koostöö Internetis“ sooritamiseks.
- Vastavalt projekti käigus omandatud kogemusele teavitatakse Euroopat kombineeritud õppe kontseptsioonist.
Projekti info
- Nenja Wolbers
- tel: ++49-30-437277-40
Projekti üldinfo
Päevade arv
01.09.2014 - 31.08.2016
Projekt toimub koostöös LIKTA (Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association), Public institution Information Technologies Institute (ITI), Stiftung Digitale Chancen (Digital Opportunities Foundation) ning ECDL Foundationiga.
Projekti “Online4EDU'' kaasrahastatakse Euroopa Liidu programmi ERASMUS+ raames.
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Attention! Teie veebilehtiseja ei vasta kodulehe külastamiseks vajalikele nõuetele. Palun vahetage veebilehitsejat või seadet, millega te veebilehte sirvite.
Внимание! Teie veebilehtiseja ei vasta kodulehe külastamiseks vajalikele nõuetele. Palun vahetage veebilehitsejat või seadet, millega te veebilehte sirvite.