Pragmatic Ansible
This is a two-day deep-dive into infrastructure automation and management with the help of Ansible. The simplicity, elegance and power of Ansible playbooks and roles will give you a head-start with any automation tasks: server provisioning, automated deployments, rolling updates, server state audit. Ansible can handle everything, starting from simple installation and configuration management to complex orchestrations of your server and network device mesh.
What’s Inside
Day 1
- Ansible terminology: play, playbook, control machine, inventory, module, role
- Ansible installation: minimal requirements, Python and Python modules, local and remote modes
- Implementing simple playbooks
- Handling logic in playbook: variables, facts and conditionals
- Configuration templating with Jinja2
- Using Ansible default facts and defining custom fact
- Complex interactions through tasks, handlers and tags
- Managing inventory: static vs dynamic
- Rolling updates and delegation
- Structuring playbooks: inclusions and roles
Day 2
- Working with Ansible Galaxy and externalizing dependencies
- Creating Ansible modules to handle complex abstractions
- Hiding secrets with Ansible Vault
- Debugging Ansible roles and playbooks
- Testing Ansible roles and playbooks
- Multi-host management with Tower and Foreman
- Managing containers with Ansible
- Implementing full infrastructure-as-code delivery pipeline with Ansible
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