Practical AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s leading provider of reliable, scalable, and inexpensive cloud computing services. The goal of this intensive, practical 4-day training is to familiarize you with the core AWS services and equip you with enough knowledge so you can choose, create, configure and maintain AWS infrastructure for your own projects.


  • Day 1
    • Introduction to AWS
    • Introduction to CloudFormation and CDK: infrastructure-as-code, project organization, coding tips and tricks
    • Compute primitives: Lambda vs EC2 vs ECS vs EKS vs Fargate vs Lightsail
    • Networking primitives: virtual private clouds (VPC), subnets, gateways, security groups, load balancers
  • Day 2
    • Talking to the outside world: CloudFront, S3, API Gateway, Route53, ALB
    • Integrated monitoring: CloudWatch, alerts, metrics, insights
    • Data storage management: S3, EFS, RDS, DynamoDB
    • Events and streams: SQS, SNS, Kineses, SES
  • Day 3
    • Security: KMS, SSM, S3/EBS encryption, CloudTrail
    • IAM: users, roles, policies, profiles
    • Deployment services: CodeDeploy, CodeStar, CodeBuild, SSM
  • Battle day

    • We take a use case (that is close to what attendees do in their workplace) and implement it with the help of AWS. We split the group into 2-3 teams.
    • Depending on the use case complexity each team can fully implement it or we can split it into several chunks with each team will be working on their own part and integrate in the end of the day.

This course is suited for Developers, Software Architects, Technical Project Managers, System Administrators.

Õppekavarühm: 0613 Tarkvara ja rakenduste arendus ning analüüs.

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Attention! Teie veebilehtiseja ei vasta kodulehe külastamiseks vajalikele nõuetele. Palun vahetage veebilehitsejat või seadet, millega te veebilehte sirvite.

Внимание! Teie veebilehtiseja ei vasta kodulehe külastamiseks vajalikele nõuetele. Palun vahetage veebilehitsejat või seadet, millega te veebilehte sirvite.