Modern Observability: From Logs to Insights

Observability is crucial in modern systems to ensure reliability, performance, and security. This 2-day practical workshop dives deep into observability concepts and tools such as Prometheus, Grafana, Loki, ELK, and Jaeger. It’s designed for developers, system administrators, and DevOps engineers looking to build, manage, and scale observable systems. The course includes hands-on exercises based on real-world scenarios. Participants will receive comprehensive materials, including cheat sheets, access to online slides, and code examples.

Who’s This For: developers, devops engineers, system administrators, software architects.

What’s Inside


  • Introduction to Observability: Definition, importance, key concepts (metrics, logs, traces), and an overview of the observability stack.
  • Metrics with Prometheus: Introduction, setting up Prometheus, writing PromQL queries, and best practices for metrics collection.
  • Visualization with Grafana: Introduction to Grafana, integrating with Prometheus, creating dashboards and alerts, and advanced visualization techniques.
  • Log Aggregation with Loki: Overview of Loki, integration with Prometheus and Grafana, setting up log collection pipelines, and querying logs with LogQL.
  • Centralized Logging with ELK: Introduction to ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana), setting up ELK for centralized logging, ingesting and parsing logs, and visualizing logs with Kibana.
  • Anomaly Detection and Alerting: Importance of anomaly detection, setting up anomaly detection with Prometheus and Grafana, configuring alerts, and real-world use cases.
  • Distributed Tracing: Introduction to distributed tracing, setting up Jaeger for tracing, integrating tracing with microservices, and analyzing trace data.
  • Audit Logging and Security Monitoring: Introduction to audit logging, setting up and configuring audit logs, integrating with ELK and Loki, and monitoring security events.
  • Deployment, Redeployment, and Rollback Based on Monitoring Data: Using monitoring data in CI/CD pipelines, automated rollbacks, and case studies on deployment failures and recovery.
  • Advanced Log Aggregation Techniques: Scaling log aggregation, best practices for log retention, log enrichment, and troubleshooting with aggregated logs.
  • Integrating Observability with Cloud-Native Architectures: Observability in Kubernetes, using Prometheus and Grafana in Kubernetes, sidecar patterns, and monitoring serverless architectures.
  • Case Studies and Hands-On Workshop: Real-world observability implementations, setting up a full observability stack (Prometheus, Grafana, Loki, ELK, Jaeger), group discussions, and Q&A.

Õppekavarühm: 0613 Tarkvara ja rakenduste arendus ning analüüs.

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