New ESSA community wants to bring more software skills and professionals to the market.
ESSA (European Software Skills Alliance) opens the ESSA Software Skills community to the world. The main goal of this community of practice is to connect individual minds to answer together the software services’ upskilling and reskilling challenges of our decade.
At the heart of the community: the people. ESSA wants to give a voice to individuals who educate, train, or work with software professionals, but also to the professionals themselves and any people interested in the software profession.

The community relies on the principles of shared interest and complementarity. Everybody has a say and can bring their knowledge and experience to the mix. It is meant to be a helpful tool for those who want to learn about software skills development but also bring in new knowledge, give teaching and learning tips, or share good practices on human resources and career management.
Members of the community can expect to:
- Gain an in-depth overview of the software skills market needs and challenges in different EU countries.
- Build new connections with like-minded people while discussing real issues and co-creating concrete solutions.
- Learn from some of the finest experts working towards software skills development in the EU.
- Be part of a community that inspires and matters.
Join the ESSA Software Skills community on LinkedIn.
The community is associated with ESSA — an EU-funded alliance to boost software skills and re-align the educational offerings with the market needs.
About ESSA
ESSA is a transnational project funded under the Erasmus+ programme to boost software skills in Europe and re-aligning the educational offering and the market’s demand.
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