BCS Koolitus is glad to help You with the following:
IT related in-house trainings
BCS Koolitus offers in-house trainings on different IT related topics.
Testing IT skills
BCS Koolitus pakub IT kasutaja arvutioskuse taseme hindamiseks veebipõhist testimisvõimalust. Taseme hindamise aluseks võetakse kliendi poolt valitud teemad erinevate rakenduste nii vabavara kui kommertstarkvara osas (näit. MS Word, Writer, MS Excel, Calc, Internet, jne).
Classroom and Technical Equipment rental
You can choose between eight modern classrooms and computer labs. The rooms are perfect for trainings, seminars, meetings and other similar events.
Project Management
To manage Your project or event smoothly please ask for help from our well-experience project management team. BCS Koolitus runs tens of projects parallel, whether they are national or international, with public or private funds, big or small. We have the tools, skills and contacts.