The blended learning course was developed to raise efficiency and pro-active digital participation of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) civil society in the implementation of reforms and the local decision-making processes in Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus and other EaP countries, as well as to improve the quality of services provided by the civil society organisations to citizens.

The course aims to support civil society organisations in harnessing the potential of digital technologies to innovate and improve their interaction with their beneficiaries, constituencies and partners, as well as to improve the efficiency of their work and the quality and format of services offered to citizens.

To achieve these objectives, CSO’s need to improve their digital competences in five main categories: IT solutions for efficient team collaboration and project management, digital safety and security of the organisation and its staff and volunteers, efficient online communication, IT tools for working with constituents and final beneficiaries, and the utilisation of existing e-Democracy and e-Government tools for advocacy purposes.

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