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  • How to Answer the Shortage of Software Professionals with Education and Training

    We need to answer the market’s demand for software professionals. 45% of organisations estimated they will need more Developers in the next five years, but they are already in very high demand. This analysis is true for other software roles, like DevOps experts and Technical software specialists. If we are unable to answer the current demand, it is very likely that the shortage will become more and more critical. So, the question is: how can we prevent that from happening? Now is the time to act. ESSA’s “Software Skills Strategy for Europe” [] presents perspectives, expert recommendations, and actions to…
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  • What Software Roles and Skills does Europe Really Need?

    Today in Europe, Developers are the most wanted professionals in the software sector and this trend will accentuate. The companies of tomorrow will also need people that have a good understanding of the day-to-day business activities. That’s why soft skills and business knowledge need to be integrated — in the way we train individuals for software roles, but also in the way we think and embed software in our organisations. Developer is the most popular software role In its 2020 The Future of Jobs Report, the World Economic Forum listed the top 20 job roles where the demand will skyrocket.…
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  • The EU project ESSA proposes a market-driven approach to software skills development

    In recent years, digital skills have become increasingly relevant to big companies and SMEs, ICT professionals, and the EU’s future workforce. But, currently, we see a big gap between what skills the market needs and what the EU’s workforce has to offer — and it is nowhere more apparent than in software development. The European Software Skills Alliance (ESSA), kicked off last December, has been created to support the EU’s Software Sector with a solid framework for educating and training individuals into high demand software roles, with major benefits to the digital ecosystem and society as a whole. The EU…
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  • DIHUB apprenticeship will kick off from November, 2020

    Under the DIHUB training and pilot program, Tartu Vocational Center for Excellence provides its IT students with the possibility to test and further develop their professional competencies by participating in real-life experiments with small and medium-size companies. As DIHUB project is focused on cloud technologies deployment, four partner companies have selected  cloud technologies implementation related problems or tasks for the students to solve. BCS Koolitus is involved as one of the participating  SMEs and support 2 teams in through the apprenticeship period. 15 participating students are divided into 5 teams, who all are working on one specific task. Teams are…
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  • DIHUB project will start its training programm piloting

    Today, on 3rd September, 2020 Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus and BCS Koolitus AS gave a kick-start to a brand-new ICT technologists and novice developers targeting innovative training course to introduce young graduates with artificial intelligence and cloud services. Ingel. In cooperation with five countries, a cluster for teaching cloud-based services.  The training course will also focus on providing small and medium-size companies with a possibility to transfer of a specific company's service to the cloud with the help of a student team.  The training consists of a 21-day training, during which a prototype for the transition to the cloud service is completed,…
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