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    Price1090 € + VAT

    This course teaches IT Professionals how to manage core Windows Server workloads and services using on-premises, hybrid, and cloud technologies. The course teaches IT Professionals how to implement and manage on-premises and hybrid solutions such as identity, management, compute, networking, and storage in a Windows Server hybrid environment.

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    Price1090 € + VAT

    This course teaches IT Professionals to configure advanced Windows Server services using on-premises, hybrid, and cloud technologies. The course teaches IT Professionals how to leverage the hybrid capabilities of Azure, how to migrate virtual and physical server workloads to Azure IaaS, and how to secure Azure VMs running Windows Server. The course also teaches IT

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    Price990 € + VAT

    This four-day instructor-led course is designed primarily for IT professionals who have some experience with Windows Server. It is designed for professionals who will be responsible for managing identity, networking, storage and compute by using Windows Server 2019, and who need to understand the scenarios, requirements, and options that are available and applicable to Windows

  • Soovid tellida grupikoolituse?

    Võta meiega ühendust ja leime sobiva lahenduse. Pakume tellimuskoolitusi erinevates IT-ga seonduvates koolitusvaldkondades nii IT kasutajatele kui spetsialistide. Tellimuskoolitus annab hea võimaluse koolitaja juhendamisel käsitleda just neid küsimusi ja probleeme, mis teie ettevõttes on aktuaalsed.

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    Price750 € + VAT

    This three-day course is intended primarily for IT Professionals who have experience with managing an on-premises Windows Server environment. Its purpose is to prepare professionals for planning, implementing, and managing environments that include Azure IaaS-hosted Windows Server-based workloads. The course covers how to leverage the hybrid capabilities of Azure, how to migrate virtual and physical

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    Price1390 € + VAT

    This four-day, instructor-led course teaches IT professionals how they can enhance the security of the IT infrastructure that they administer. This course begins by emphasizing the importance of assuming that network breaches have occurred already, and then teaches you how to protect administrative credentials and rights to ensure that administrators can perform only the tasks

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Attention! Teie veebilehtiseja ei vasta kodulehe külastamiseks vajalikele nõuetele. Palun vahetage veebilehitsejat või seadet, millega te veebilehte sirvite.

Внимание! Teie veebilehtiseja ei vasta kodulehe külastamiseks vajalikele nõuetele. Palun vahetage veebilehitsejat või seadet, millega te veebilehte sirvite.