The aim of this project is to develop digital the competences of subject teachers and vocational teachers. After passing the course, the participants can recognize the key problems of e-safety (cyberbullying, identity theft, hate speech, images and videos with inappropriate content) and know how to find solutions for them, as well as skills on how to pass on acquired knowledge to their students.

Learning Outcomes:

Participants who have passed the course will recognize key problems of e-safety and are able to find solutions for these problems. The graduate of the course:

–  Is purposeful in their web searches and is able to critically evaluate digital content and, if necessary, can successfully pass on the acquired knowledge to their students.

–  Advises students in safe communication on social networks and other digital environments according to the Netiket good practice rules.

–  Follows the rules of intellectual property rights and valid licenses in creating digital content or modifying existing materials, and advises their students on these topics.

–  Uses information and communication technologies safely and sustainably, and advises students on the protection of identity, health and the environment.

–  Recognizes the signs of internet addiction, describes techniques for avoiding internet addiction, and if necessary, is able to counsel a person in need of help.

–  Knows and uses the rules of good practice in communication via e-channels in the directions of student-teacher, teacher-parent, and school-parent.

–  Knows and is able to advise colleagues, parents, and students on the VOSK-approach* in the introduction of digital devices in their educational institutions.


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