Enterprise Architecture Foundation with TOGAF®10 Standard
In this 3-day course, you will get a comprehensive overview of the TOGAF® 10 standard, which is one of the most widely used and recognized enterprise architectural solutions in the world. You will learn how TOGAF® 10 helps build and manage effective and sustainable business architectures that support business goals and strategies.
In the course, you will learn the 10 main elements of TOGAF®, including the Method of Architectural Development (ADM), which is the standard heart and soul. ADM is an iterative process that provides guidance on how to create, test, and maintain an enterprise architecture. You will learn how to use ADM in each phase of the architectural cycle, as well as how to adapt it to different contexts and needs.
This course helps you you to prepare for the exam: TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Part 1 Exam | Certification & Accreditation (opengroup.org)
At the end of this course, participants will achieve the following skills:
- The basic concepts of an Enterprise Architecture and TOGAF® architecture framework
- The fundamental principles of enterprise architecture based on the TOGAF® framework
- The main terminology of TOGAF® framework
- The ADM cycle and the objectives of each phase, and how to adapt them to the scope of the ADM
- The concept of Enterprise Continuum; its purpose and the parts that constitute it
- Like every phase, ADM contributes to the success of an enterprise architecture
- ADM guidelines and techniques
- How Architecture Governance contributes to the Architecture Development Cycle
- The concept of Architecture View and Architecture Viewpoints and their role in communicating with stakeholders
- The concept of Building Blocks
- The main Deliverables of an ADM cycle
- TOGAF® reference mode
Target audience: Individuals who wish to achieve a basic understanding of TOGAF® standard, professionals who have undertaken roles associated with an architectural project as well as those who are responsible for its planning, execution, development and operation, architects who wish to become familiar with TOGAF® standard.
Prerequisites: There are no formal prerequisites for taking this course, but it is recommended that participants have experience in the IT architecture field.
Technology needed for the course: A Windows operating system computer with permissions to install and configure applications.
Those who do not have the necessary computer can rent it by agreement with BCS Training. Please inform the training company in advance.
Course outline:
- Concepts introduction to the concepts of Enterprise Architecture and the TOGAF® Standard.
- Definitions helping the Candidate understand relevant terminology.
- Introduction to the ADM helping the Candidate understand the Architecture Development Method (ADM) and briefly explain the purpose and objectives of each phase, including at a high level how to adapt and scope the ADM for use.
- Introduction to the ADM Techniques introducuction to support application of the ADM.
- Introduction to Applying the ADM to the guidance available to support application of the ADM, including use of iteration, partitioning, Agile delivery, and application in a Digital enterprise.
- Introduction to Architecture Governance helping the Candidate understand how Architecture Governance contributes to the architecture development.
- Architecture Content helping the Candidate understand which outputs can be produced while executing the ADM.
Study methods: You can participate in the study by joining the training through the online environment Teams. The volume of training is 24 hours incl. 12 hours of practical exercises or group work in the training environment.
Assessment method: The achievement of learning outcomes is assessed on the basis of feedback-based practical exercises or group works carried out during the training.
Completion of training: A graduate of the training receives a certificate if he performs all the practical exercises given during the training. Participants who have not achieved the learning outcomes will be issued a certificate of participation in the training upon request.
The price includes: Study materials and examination cost (must be registered 6 months after the course and passed 12 months after the course).
Curriculum group: 0612 Database and network design and management.