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    Price715 € + VAT

    Koolituse eesmärgiks on anda ülevaade ja praktilised kogemused konfiguratsioonihaldussüsteemidest. Vaadeldakse kolme erinevat platvormi, millega saab hallata Windows, Linux ja Macintosh kliente ja servereid. Sihtgrupp: Koolitusele ootame inimesi, kes soovivad juurutada klientide/serverite tsentraalset haldust ja seadistamist. Programm: Konfiguratsioonihaldussüsteemidest üldiselt. Seadistuste unifitseerimine, deklaratiivsed keeled Puppet, Ansible, Chef, Microsoft DSC – erinevused/sarnasused. Haldussüsteemide integreeritus linuxi distributsioonide tarkvarahoidlatesse Seadistamine:

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    Price1090 € + VAT

    This course covers three central elements of Microsoft 365 enterprise administration – Microsoft 365 security management, Microsoft 365 compliance management, and Microsoft 365 device management. In Microsoft 365 security management, you will examine all the common types of threat vectors and data breaches facing organizations today, and you will learn how Microsoft 365’s security solutions

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    Price1275 € + VAT

    This Certified Scrum Master training class is a two-day hands-on learning experience that provides a full immersion into Agile and the Scrum Framework from the ScrumMaster point of view.

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    Võta meiega ühendust ja leime sobiva lahenduse. Pakume tellimuskoolitusi erinevates IT-ga seonduvates koolitusvaldkondades nii IT kasutajatele kui spetsialistide. Tellimuskoolitus annab hea võimaluse koolitaja juhendamisel käsitleda just neid küsimusi ja probleeme, mis teie ettevõttes on aktuaalsed.

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    Price1700 € + VAT

    Antud kursus on suunatud kogenud VMware vSphere® kasutajatele. See tutvustab edasijõudnud oskusi, et seadistada ja hallata kõrgkäideldavat ja skaleeruvat virtuaalset taristut. Koolitus põhineb VMware vSphere® ESXi™ 7.0 ja VMware® vCenter Server™ 7.0 toodetel.

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    Price590 € + VAT

    This course introduces Azure and the Microsoft services students can use to create cloud computing solutions. This course provides foundational level knowledge on Azure concepts; core Azure services; core solutions and management tools; general security and network security; governance, privacy, and compliance features; Azure cost management and service level agreements. This course is suitable for IT

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    Price1390 € + VAT

    This course provides IT Security Professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to implement security controls, maintain an organization’s security posture, and identify and remediate security vulnerabilities. This course includes security for identity and access, platform protection, data and applications, and security operations. This course is for Azure Security Engineers who are planning to take

  • Soovid tellida grupikoolituse?

    Võta meiega ühendust ja leime sobiva lahenduse. Pakume tellimuskoolitusi erinevates IT-ga seonduvates koolitusvaldkondades nii IT kasutajatele kui spetsialistide. Tellimuskoolitus annab hea võimaluse koolitaja juhendamisel käsitleda just neid küsimusi ja probleeme, mis teie ettevõttes on aktuaalsed.

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    Price1390 € + VAT

    This course teaches IT Professionals how to manage their Azure subscriptions, secure identities, administer the infrastructure, configure virtual networking, connect Azure and on-premises sites, manage network traffic, implement storage solutions, create and scale virtual machines, implement web apps and containers, back up and share data, and monitor your solution. This course is for Azure Administrators.

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    Price1090 € + VAT

    In this course you will learn how to secure user access to your organization’s resources. The course covers user password protection, multi-factor authentication, how to enable Azure Identity Protection, how to setup and use Azure AD Connect, and introduces you to conditional access in Microsoft 365. You will learn about threat protection technologies that help

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    Price590 € + VAT

    This course provides foundational knowledge on the considerations and benefits of adopting cloud services and the Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud model, with a specific focus on Microsoft 365 cloud service offerings. You will begin by learning about cloud fundamentals, including an overview of cloud computing and specifically Microsoft cloud services. You will be

  • Soovid tellida grupikoolituse?

    Võta meiega ühendust ja leime sobiva lahenduse. Pakume tellimuskoolitusi erinevates IT-ga seonduvates koolitusvaldkondades nii IT kasutajatele kui spetsialistide. Tellimuskoolitus annab hea võimaluse koolitaja juhendamisel käsitleda just neid küsimusi ja probleeme, mis teie ettevõttes on aktuaalsed.

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    Price750 € + VAT

    This three-day course is intended primarily for IT Professionals who have experience with managing an on-premises Windows Server environment. Its purpose is to prepare professionals for planning, implementing, and managing environments that include Azure IaaS-hosted Windows Server-based workloads. The course covers how to leverage the hybrid capabilities of Azure, how to migrate virtual and physical

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    Price990 € + VAT

    This four-day instructor-led course is designed primarily for IT professionals who have some experience with Windows Server. It is designed for professionals who will be responsible for managing identity, networking, storage and compute by using Windows Server 2019, and who need to understand the scenarios, requirements, and options that are available and applicable to Windows

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    Price385 € + VAT

    This two-day instructor-led course is intended for IT professionals who are responsible for developing a management strategy for mobile devices in the enterprise. Devices running Windows, iOS and Android operating systems will be covered. Utilizing various Microsoft technologies students will create a mobile device plan, configure mobile device management and master both connectivity and data

  • Soovid tellida grupikoolituse?

    Võta meiega ühendust ja leime sobiva lahenduse. Pakume tellimuskoolitusi erinevates IT-ga seonduvates koolitusvaldkondades nii IT kasutajatele kui spetsialistide. Tellimuskoolitus annab hea võimaluse koolitaja juhendamisel käsitleda just neid küsimusi ja probleeme, mis teie ettevõttes on aktuaalsed.

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    Price1250 € + VAT

    The Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) course will help a Product Owner to understand Scrum and the Product Owner role. Learning Objectives (general): Why to use Agile? When is Scrum the right approach? When should we use some other approach? Can I combine different approaches? What am I expected of in the Product Owner role?

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    Price990 € + VAT

    AI-102 Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution is intended for software developers wanting to build AI infused applications that leverage Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Cognitive Search, and Microsoft Bot Framework. The course will use C# or Python as the programming language. Prerequisites: Before attending this course, students must have: Knowledge of Microsoft Azure and

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    Price250 € + VAT

    Koolituse eesmärgiks on tutvustada, mis on Power Automate, kuidas selle abil oma igapäevatööd automatiseerida. Sihtgrupp: Edasijõudnud Office 365 kasutajad. Programm: Erinevat tüüpi voogude kirjeldus Automatiseeritud vood pilves Manuaalselt käivitatavad vood pilves Ajastatud vood pilves Manuaalselt käivitatavad vood arvutis Äriprotsesside vood Mobiiltelefonis kasutatavad vood Power Automate (pilvekeskkond) Keskkonna tutvustus Automatiseeritud-, ajastatud- ja manuaalse käivitamisega voogude loomine Mallide

  • Soovid tellida grupikoolituse?

    Võta meiega ühendust ja leime sobiva lahenduse. Pakume tellimuskoolitusi erinevates IT-ga seonduvates koolitusvaldkondades nii IT kasutajatele kui spetsialistide. Tellimuskoolitus annab hea võimaluse koolitaja juhendamisel käsitleda just neid küsimusi ja probleeme, mis teie ettevõttes on aktuaalsed.

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    Price1090 € + VAT

    This course teaches IT Professionals how to manage core Windows Server workloads and services using on-premises, hybrid, and cloud technologies. The course teaches IT Professionals how to implement and manage on-premises and hybrid solutions such as identity, management, compute, networking, and storage in a Windows Server hybrid environment.

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    Price550 € + VAT

    #NoEstimates is an approach to software development that arose from the observation that large amounts of time were spent over the years in estimating and improving those estimates, but we see no value from that investment. Indeed, according to scholars Conte, Dunmore and Shens [1] a good estimate is one that is within 25% of

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    Price499 € + VAT

    In this workshop we will cover several topics with hands-on exercises. The participants will get a set of thinking and practical tools that they can apply in their work immediately after the workshop. Product Owners face increasing challenges. Many companies future depends on the quality of the work of Product Owners. Product Owners act as

  • Soovid tellida grupikoolituse?

    Võta meiega ühendust ja leime sobiva lahenduse. Pakume tellimuskoolitusi erinevates IT-ga seonduvates koolitusvaldkondades nii IT kasutajatele kui spetsialistide. Tellimuskoolitus annab hea võimaluse koolitaja juhendamisel käsitleda just neid küsimusi ja probleeme, mis teie ettevõttes on aktuaalsed.

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    LanguageNot specified

    Price1190 € + VAT

    In this course, students will learn how to support and configure Windows desktops in an organizational environment. Students will develop skills that include learning how to install, customize, and update Windows 10 and later operating systems. Students will learn how to managing storage, files, and devices as well as how to configure network connectivity for

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    Price1200 € + VAT

    Hands-on Hacking Advanced (HOHA) is a follow-up to our Hands-on Hacking Essentials (HOHE) training. While HOHE is an eye-opening “shock therapy” training mostly for defenders, HOHA introduces more of the attacker and red teaming perspective. While the training still focuses mostly on the individual skills of participants, we will introduce red team team-working mode towards the end of the training with team servers and beacon servers.

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    Price1090 € + VAT

    This course teaches IT Professionals to configure advanced Windows Server services using on-premises, hybrid, and cloud technologies. The course teaches IT Professionals how to leverage the hybrid capabilities of Azure, how to migrate virtual and physical server workloads to Azure IaaS, and how to secure Azure VMs running Windows Server. The course also teaches IT

  • Soovid tellida grupikoolituse?

    Võta meiega ühendust ja leime sobiva lahenduse. Pakume tellimuskoolitusi erinevates IT-ga seonduvates koolitusvaldkondades nii IT kasutajatele kui spetsialistide. Tellimuskoolitus annab hea võimaluse koolitaja juhendamisel käsitleda just neid küsimusi ja probleeme, mis teie ettevõttes on aktuaalsed.

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    Price1900 € + VAT

    This Certified Scrum Professional – ScrumMaster (CSP-SM) training class is a hands-on learning experience that provides participants with advanced skills, concepts and tools to gain a Certified Scrum Professional status with ScrumMaster speciality. Workshop Candidates: The training will be beneficial to: ScrumMasters who have Scrum experience for close to two years; Managers who want to

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    Price675 € + VAT

    Koolituse eesmärk on anda ülevaade Linuxi rakendusadministraatori töö ülesehitusest ja töövõtetest. Programm: Võrkude seadistamine ja haldamine Tulemüürid ja reeglid VPN teenuse tegemine Maili teenuse seadistamine Monitoorimine ja logimine Keskhaldus Troubleshooting LB suunamised Sihtgrupp: Tulevased rakendusadministraatorid, kelle ülesanne on rakenduste haldamine, sh Linuxi keskkonnas. Eelteadmised: Baasteadmised Linuxist Õppemeetodid: Auditoorne õpe kombineeritud iseseisvate- ja praktiliste töödega Hindamismeetod: Iseseisvate

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    Price990 € + VAT

    This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to administer a SQL Server database infrastructure for cloud, on-premises and hybrid relational databases and who work with the Microsoft PaaS relational database offerings. Additionally, it will be of use to individuals who develop applications that deliver content from SQL-based relational databases. The audience for this

  • Soovid tellida grupikoolituse?

    Võta meiega ühendust ja leime sobiva lahenduse. Pakume tellimuskoolitusi erinevates IT-ga seonduvates koolitusvaldkondades nii IT kasutajatele kui spetsialistide. Tellimuskoolitus annab hea võimaluse koolitaja juhendamisel käsitleda just neid küsimusi ja probleeme, mis teie ettevõttes on aktuaalsed.

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    Price590 € + VAT

    In this course, the students will explore the objectives of data platform modernization and how it is suitable for given business requirements. They will also explore each stage of the data platform modernization process and define what tasks are involved at each stage, such as the assessment and planning phase. Students will also learn the

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    Price900 € + VAT

    We invite you to the training course “Kanban system design” (also known as Kanban Management Professional 1 or KMP1). This class includes the necessary amount of information to understand how “work works”. This class is intended to break some of the widespread beliefs about how the work process is organized and optimized. With the help

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    Price590 € + VAT

    This course will teach the basics of Microsoft’s dialect of the standard SQL language: Transact-SQL. Topics include both querying and modifying data in relational databases that are hosted in Microsoft SQL Server-based database systems, including: Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and, Azure Synapse Analytics. This course can be valuable for anyone who needs to

  • Soovid tellida grupikoolituse?

    Võta meiega ühendust ja leime sobiva lahenduse. Pakume tellimuskoolitusi erinevates IT-ga seonduvates koolitusvaldkondades nii IT kasutajatele kui spetsialistide. Tellimuskoolitus annab hea võimaluse koolitaja juhendamisel käsitleda just neid küsimusi ja probleeme, mis teie ettevõttes on aktuaalsed.

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    Price1390 € + VAT

    This four-day, instructor-led course teaches IT professionals how they can enhance the security of the IT infrastructure that they administer. This course begins by emphasizing the importance of assuming that network breaches have occurred already, and then teaches you how to protect administrative credentials and rights to ensure that administrators can perform only the tasks

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    Price290 € + VAT

    This course will enable the students to understand Azure SQL Database, and educate the students on what is required to migrate MySQL and PostgreSQL workloads to Azure SQL Database. The primary audience for this course is database developers who plan to migrate their MySQL or Postgres DB workloads to Azure SQL DB. The secondary audience

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Attention! Teie veebilehtiseja ei vasta kodulehe külastamiseks vajalikele nõuetele. Palun vahetage veebilehitsejat või seadet, millega te veebilehte sirvite.

Внимание! Teie veebilehtiseja ei vasta kodulehe külastamiseks vajalikele nõuetele. Palun vahetage veebilehitsejat või seadet, millega te veebilehte sirvite.